TI Verde

As soluções da Flexxible são projetadas com considerações ambientais em mente, pois nos esforçamos para reduzir o impacto dos serviços de TI críticos no planeta. Ao rastrear meticulosamente o consumo de energia em um nível micro, ajudamos as organizações a alcançar seus objetivos de sustentabilidade e a cumprir as regulamentações mais recentes.

Visão Geral

Sua organização está fazendo o suficiente para priorizar a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade ambiental?

As soluções avançadas de TI Verde da Flexxible permitem que as organizações acompanhem o impacto da impressão e o consumo de energia em seus ambientes de TI. Nossa plataforma calcula o uso de energia com base no tipo de máquina, modelo, tempo de atividade e conexão a displays externos. Ao integrar ferramentas abrangentes de rastreamento e gestão, a Flexxible garante o uso eficiente de recursos, apoiando seus objetivos de sustentabilidade.


As soluções de TI Verde da Flexxible capacitam organizações a acompanhar e reduzir seu impacto ambiental.

Com a Flexxible, você pode monitorar o uso de energia, garantir conformidade com as metas de sustentabilidade e melhorar seu ROI verde. Alcance um ambiente de trabalho mais verde e eficiente com a Flexxible.


Os recursos de TI Verde da Flexxible permitem o monitoramento dos níveis de energia e emissões de CO2, garantindo a conformidade com a próxima Diretiva de Relatórios de Sustentabilidade Corporativa (CSRD), vigente a partir de 2026, entre outros. Alcançar a conformidade é crucial para evitar multas e posicionar sua organização para o sucesso sustentável.

womand at desk checking cybersecurity page on laptop

Acompanhe seu impacto ambiental

Monitore seu impacto ambiental e alcance seus objetivos de sustentabilidade com a solução de TI Verde da Flexxible. Ao rastrear e compensar sua pegada de carbono, você pode demonstrar seu compromisso com a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade ambiental.

man logging in on digital workspace on laptop

Promova a conscientização ambiental

O rastreamento de impressões da Flexxible aumenta a conscientização sobre o consumo de recursos em seu local de trabalho. Ao tomar medidas para reduzir resíduos, você pode incentivar a responsabilidade ambiental e a proatividade em toda a sua organização.

people at the office using technological devices and digital workspaces to work

Reduza suas emissões

Operar várias máquinas, muitas vezes desnecessariamente, pode levar a um consumo excessivo de energia. Os recursos de gerenciamento remoto da Flexxible permitem fechar sessões não utilizadas e desligar máquinas remotamente, reduzindo as emissões de CO2 e os custos do negócio.

couple working from home with digital workspaces, endusers

As soluções definitivas para gerenciar e otimizar seus espaços de trabalho



FlexxClient unifies the management and monitoring of all workspaces, virtual or physical. Leverage automation, empowering your IT teams to drive daily positive outcomes, monitor user experience, and enable self-healing.

digital workspace, analyzer, data endusers, applications platform image

Integration and Business Flows


Remote Support

Maintenance and Inventory

Analytics, Conectors, and Data

Automation and Remediation




FXXOne is your next generation remote monitoring and management (RMM) tool.
Tailored specifically for MSPs and IT professionals, FXXOne brings simplicity, scalability, and security to hybrid workspaces.

session disconnection, screen, digital workspace, image platform
Cybersecurity at the roots


IT management and monitoring meets endpoint security. By combining automation, observability, and security, FlexxSecurity empowers your organization to prevent and respond to attacks. FlexxSecurity also provides OS patching and application updates, maintaining security compliance across all endpoints.

digital workspace, analyzer, data endusers, applications image

AI based EDR integrated with DEX

Integration and Business Flows


Remote Support

Maintenance and Inventory

Analytics, Conectors, and Data

Automation and Remediation




Experience ultimate flexibility with FlexxDesktop, recognized in  the Gartner Magic Quadrant for DaaS in 2023. Use your hardware or ours, any  broker, cloud, or hypervisor, to create the ideal Desktop as a Service  offering. With its integrated management and monitoring tools, organizations  can leverage automation and self-healing capabilities to deliver the best  user experience possible.

RAM Storage, digital workspace, screen image

Analytics, Conectors, and Data


Remote Support

Maintenance and Inventory

Automation and Remediation

Integration and Business Flows


Workstation Virtualization and Advanced Monitoring



Use AI to identify users requiring attention, understand what they need, and support their adaptation to the new era of work hybridization.

session disconnection, screen, digital workspace, image platform

Analytics, Conectors, and Data




FlexxClient unifies the management and monitoring of all workspaces, virtual or physical. Leverage automation, empowering your IT teams to drive daily positive outcomes, monitor user experience, and enable self-healing.

digital workspace, analyzer, data endusers, applications platform image

Integration and Business Flows


Remote Support

Maintenance and Inventory

Analytics, Conectors, and Data

Automation and Remediation




FXXOne is your next generation remote monitoring and management (RMM) tool.
Tailored specifically for MSPs and IT professionals, FXXOne brings simplicity, scalability, and security to hybrid workspaces.

session disconnection, screen, digital workspace, image platform
Cybersecurity at the roots


IT management and monitoring meets endpoint security. By combining automation, observability, and security, FlexxSecurity empowers your organization to prevent and respond to attacks. FlexxSecurity also provides OS patching and application updates, maintaining security compliance across all endpoints.

digital workspace, analyzer, data endusers, applications image

AI based EDR integrated with DEX

Integration and Business Flows


Remote Support

Maintenance and Inventory

Analytics, Conectors, and Data

Automation and Remediation




Experience ultimate flexibility with FlexxDesktop, recognized in  the Gartner Magic Quadrant for DaaS in 2023. Use your hardware or ours, any  broker, cloud, or hypervisor, to create the ideal Desktop as a Service  offering. With its integrated management and monitoring tools, organizations  can leverage automation and self-healing capabilities to deliver the best  user experience possible.

RAM Storage, digital workspace, screen image

Analytics, Conectors, and Data


Remote Support

Maintenance and Inventory

Automation and Remediation

Integration and Business Flows


Workstation Virtualization and Advanced Monitoring



Use AI to identify users requiring attention, understand what they need, and support their adaptation to the new era of work hybridization.

session disconnection, screen, digital workspace, image platform

Analytics, Conectors, and Data


Aproveite ao máximo seus investimentos em TI com a Flexxible

Descubra a vantagem da Flexxible. Aumente a eficiência operacional, reduza os custos de TI, impulsione um ROI significativo.


Automatize 74% dos tickets de suporte e operações.


Reduza o tempo de inatividade: 19% dos tickets são resolvidos automaticamente.


Diagnosticamos problemas 65% mais rápido.


Aumente a produtividade: os usuários recuperam 78% do tempo que teriam gasto esperando por suporte.


Capacitando os provedores de saúde com flexibilidade digital e segurança

Usando uma combinação de ferramentas de automação, monitoramento, suporte e observabilidade, habilitamos uma estratégia EUC madura pronta para uso com um modelo de ROI comprovado para aumentar a produtividade, reduzir a sobrecarga de suporte e aumentar as taxas de resolução na primeira linha.

Leia mais
A woman working on a computerA man in data center
A woman working on a computerA man in data center

Empowering Enterprises Worldwide Through Innovative Technology

Founded in 2008 in Spain, Flexxible is a multinational company with offices across several countries including Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Brazil, and India. Our products have earned recognition in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant and by IDC as innovators in Virtual Client Computing 2023. They are deployed across more than 600,000 endpoints, spanning a wide range of businesses. Our mission is to empower enterprises to harness the potential of end-user computing, providing them with the confidence, knowledge, and capability to leverage technology in a way that suits their needs effectively.

Trusted by the world's leading providers:

Perguntas Frequentes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam nec feugiat nibh. Nunc porttitor iaculis orci, quis finibus ante bibendum pulvinar.

Saiba Mais

Como você gerencia e dá suporte a uma força de trabalho cada vez mais complexa, distribuída e híbrida?

Você pode garantir que 100% dos seus endpoints estão corrigidos e, quando necessário, fazer isso com apenas alguns cliques?

O que nossos clientes atuais conseguem com o FlexxSecurity?

Você tem a visibilidade de TODOS os endpoints de suas organizações em um só lugar?


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Find out today how Flexxible's solutions work for you

* Gartner®, Magic Quadrant for Digital Employee Experience Management Tools, Dan Wilson, Tom Cipolla, Stuart Downes, Autumn Stanish, Lina Al Dana, 26 August 2024 **Gartner®, Magic Quadrant for Desktop as a Service, Stuart Downes, Eri Hariu, Mark Margevicius, Craig Fisler, Sunil Kumar, 16 September 2024
GARTNER® is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and MAGIC QUADRANT is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner® does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner® research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner® disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

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